Friday, 27 January 2012

Heartbeatgoa.did you know? -DOCUMENT BY AGOSTINHO PROENÇA

The following Objectives were listed for a Society to be registered by Agostinho Proenca in March 2006.The complete to be registered Document was handed over to a few personalities who were approached to be the Core members of the Society ;One of them being Dr. Oscar Rebello.Unfortunately the author of the document, Agostinho Proenca met with an accident and was laid up in bed for nearly a year. OBJECTIVES -Instill Pride, passion in the uniqueness in being a Goan. -Demand and monitor Democratic, simple, clean and transparent governance from the political dispensation including the bureaucracy and the police. -Educate and empower people at the Grass Root level of their Democratic rights and their responsibility, to allow them to live with dignity. -Involve school children, colleges and other educational institutions in mass awareness of their Democratic rights and their responsibilities towards the society they live in. -Form a Core group in every village of Goa to educate them on their Democratic rights. -Compel the Government to install in a prominent place the Fundamental rights and fundamental duties, framed in every government and semi government office. -Compel the Government to scrap the Minority / Majority panels and insist that even the Print and the Visual media desist from using these derogatory and insulting terms. - Achieve Social and Natural Justice for all irrespective of Religion, Caste or Creed. -Work with the grass root level entities -Check / Stop drugs, pedophiles and prostitution. -Seek employment for the locals with the minimum wage pay. -Take up issues affecting the people and the environment. -Create a Harmonious society -Achieve all round development within local parameters and with total transparency. -Encourage peoples’ participation in units of Local Self Government like Panchayat, Municipality, Communidade, so that there is increased involvement and interaction. -Seek effective implementation of the provisions of Right to Information Act and analogous legislations. -Take up issues relating to good governance like stoppage of corruption, red tape and dereliction of statutory duties. -To be involved in dissemination of knowledge, particularly as regards the issues concerning the objectives of the Society. -To take up issues relating to the environment and to make concrete efforts in preventing environmental degradation. -Organization to be Pro All-round development as long as the implementation is done per the requirements, totally transparent , with peoples active participation and presentation made through proper fora like the Panchayats – Gram Sabhas, Municipalities, Comunidade etc,. Jobs to be made available to the locals . Basic Rules for Core and other members: -No member to have political, religious or caste affiliation. -No funds from political, religious or caste based organizations.

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