Thursday, 26 January 2012

Heartbeatgoa.memories -Greatest Konkani Song Hits - Newsletter #9 Francis Rodrigues, Toronto

"A long time a far away galaxy..." So unfurls "Star Wars" the greatest legend of themodern era, replete with action and fantasy. And a thousand years before our time - "Once upon a time, in the reign of good kingShahriyar, his beauteous wife Scheherazade spunthis tale of..." "One Thousand And One Arabian Nights" But......Konkani music and folklore too has its share! Hundreds of you have written from around theworld, and with their indulgence, let me sharesome beautiful letters -..............................................From: Antonio@Qatarnav.comTo: subscriptions@konkanisongbook.comDate: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 08:18:11 0300Subject: RE: Greatest Konkani Song Hits - Newsletter #7 Dear Francis, Good day, It is wonderful and nostalgic that you narrate afancy tale behind those Konkani old hits....... Keep it up!!!Antonio.............................................. Dear Antonio, It's the great feedback from wonderful folk likeyou that makes all the hard work worthwhile -thanks! Our research was exhausting, but we uncovered somany delightful legends - mostly fact - behindmany of our most celebrated Konkani songs. Muchas gracias, Antonio! And now......the mysterious stranger in C.Alvares' taxi suddenly surfaces more than threedecades later! See below,Francis...............................................From: piomaria1@hotmail.comTo: subscriptions@konkanisongbook.comSubject: RE: Greatest Konkani Song Hits - Newsletter #6Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:14:33 +0000 dear Francis, i am really facinated to your style of all your emails, you have summarized the eventswhich creates events which creates an interest forthe reader to read more and more. great, keep it up. regarding your present email about the song'claudia', ,i wish to shed some light on it. themysterious stranger was Cyriaco Dias. he was hisclose associate during those days. Alvares used to consult him on many issuesspecially to maintain his accounts in aprofessional way as Cyriaco was only educatedamong them. i think while on their way for theshooting, alvares had composed the song. i remember around 8 years back, we had a musicalshow in bahrain which comprised of all the oldsongs including CLAUDIA. i had the privilege ofcompering the show where we had cyriaco dias as achief guest. and i still remember i had made aspecial mention about this song and the history ofits creation. mog asundi anik osoch boroit rau. yours, Pio Fernandes.............................................. Dear Pio, Wow! That was amazing. Thanks! Now........does any body have any idea who was themysterious "M.D." in M. Boyer's "Ixttaghot" legend? Aha, the plot thickens! C'mon all you budding Sherlock Holmes's! Revealingly,Francis............................................... And - What's no longer a mystery! Copies of the "Greatest Konkani Song Hits, Vol.1" have just arrived today from the publisher, andhit the stores. Due to the huge demand, in Goajust 4 copies each are available at Furtados, andPedro Fernandes.First come, first....! In Bangalore contactReynolds at Brigade Road and Rajajinagar. Read the book, play the sheet-music or guitartab, sing the lyrics in Konkani or English, amuseand amaze yourself with the translations. Just 20 days to World Goa Day......and counting! Best,Francis.P.S. Afterwards, sit back and watch almost 2hours of piano magic as a great master performsthese fabulous Konkani hits without a break, onthe free DVD film included.==============================================Brighten someone's day - fwd. this newsletter! 108-275 Cassandra Boulevard, North York, Ontario M3A1V6, Canada

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