Thursday, 26 January 2012

Heartbeatgoa.memories -Greatest Konkani Song Hits - Newsletter #3 - Francis Rodrigues, Toronto

The boy loved music. The beautiful exciting sambaand rhumba and bossa nova of his native Brazilthat gave the world the gorgeous "Girl fromIpanema"... And the guitar. He even thought he might become afamous guitar composer like Heitor Villa-Lobos. But today he needed a song, and as he climbedaboard the tram at Rio, he had no inspiration. He dozed off. Half an hour later, he felt a softhead on his shoulder quietly weeping. He tried to comfort the beautiful stranger byhumming softly, and the rhythm of the tram turnedit into a sweet little waltz. When he got off the tram over half a century ago,his shoulder wet and the girl gone, he had hissong. Today the Portuguese and Konkani world stillsings "Encosta Tua Cabecinha" written by PauloBorges in 1954, when he got home from that tramride in Rio. But you don't have any need of tears! For, that beautiful story, and the completesheet-music, chords, lyrics, translations andguitar tab, with a rare DVD of "Encosta TuaCabecinha" and lots of others, are coming your wayon 20 August, when the "Greatest Konkani SongHits" book is released. "Encosta Tua Cabecinha" Twenty-seven days left......and counting! Enjoy! Musically yours,Francis.

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