Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Heartbeatgoa,memories -"Adeus Korchea Vellar" - Francis Rodrigues, Canada

Old Goa, July 1958. The holy man smiled wanly as the monsoon burst,an arrow of rain striking his heart. Why weren't saints allowed to fall in love, didthey always have to be holy? He was handsome, chiselled, and hopelessly in love. She was eighteen, pretty, and though she came toMass every morning and gave him a lingering hugand kiss after, her heart was given to another. She was to be wed this month - though the monsoonis not the wedding season in Goa - and would movefar away. He saw them enter his Old Goa church everymorning and, a tear dripping wordlessly down hischeeks, he sent a prayer heavenwards that theymight meet again in eternity. He had loved her like no other and despite hisbreaking heart, this was his church and like asnot, he had to be at the wedding, smilinglystone-faced. After the ceremony they came to see him in thelittle square off the entrance. A light drizzle was falling. "Goodbye, my dearest Francis" she smiled,stroking his chin affectionately, then turned toher new spouse. "Oh the rain down his cheeks do seem like realteardrops, don't they...?" "Yes, indeed," her husband murmured thoughtfully, "It is rather a beautiful statue, isn't it?"

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